Our trip to Ukraine in April 2024
In April 2024, we once again sent a shipment of humanitarian aid supplies - all thanks to the tireless support of our network and our partner companies. This time, our ReBuild team set off for Ukraine not only to deliver the urgently needed relief supplies, but also to look the local people in the eye and listen to their stories. In our luggage we had durable food, medicine, wound care materials and hygiene products - things that are invaluable for many people in these difficult times. In the midst of the challenges posed by the Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure and the power supply, our aim is to ensure basic supplies for the population - especially with a view to the coming winter. That is why we were also keen to supply high-quality, high-performance solar generators and other materials such as solar flashlights, batteries and tools. These devices are vital, especially when darkness threatens due to widespread power outages.
Gift bags for female soldiers medics with Selenacare
A very special thanks goes to the company Selenacare: thanks to a generous discount on period products, we were able to purchase a large quantity of sustainable and recyclable menstrual cups. These were given as a gift to female soldiers and medics who help other people on the frontline every day, along with bladder infection remedies, wound sprays, small care products and glucose. In these challenging times, we want to show our appreciation for these strong women and do our part to ensure that they are provided with basic hygiene products.
Car donation from Martin GmbH
We were delighted with the generous donation of the Mercedes Vito from Martin GmbH in Hattingen. The faithful company van not only transported the relief supplies safely to Ukraine, but was also handed over to the military on the Belarusian border. There it will be used for important tasks such as evacuations and medical transportation. The handover took place in the presence of a small delegation from the administration of the town of Zhytomyr, the press and military officers. The soldiers in particular were very happy about this donation, as it is extremely difficult for them to procure reliable vehicles due to the targeted war of attrition. During the handover, the initial military austerity of those present faded and gave way to honest, emotional conversations about the challenges faced by both the civilian population and the soldiers. It was a moving moment that reminded us all how important solidarity is in such difficult times.
Meetings with people in Ukraine
Together with our partner foundation Pokrovafund, we were able to make direct contact with affected people and hand over our relief supplies to them personally. It is these encounters that remind us why we do what we do - to give hope and bring a little light into dark times. During our trip, we encountered three groups of people in particular whose stories touched us deeply and we would like to share them with you:
- Internally displaced people: millions of people in Ukraine have been forced to flee their homes - whether due to the destruction of their homes or the immediate threat of war. Many of them lost everything back in 2014 and had to laboriously build a new existence, only to lose everything again in 2021. Their stories are characterized by loss and hopelessness, but also by unwavering courage: despite everything, they are trying to find their feet again.
- Widows and their children: At a meeting of a local church congregation, we were able to witness the tireless cohesion that prevails in this community. The widows, who often not only grieve for their partners but also have to deal with bureaucratic hurdles, face enormous challenges. During this difficult time, they receive support in the form of relief supplies and the solidarity of others. When our team attended a roundtable discussion, we heard their moving stories and experienced how important it is that they are encouraged to accept help - as many were in the situation of needing support for the first time.
- Wounded soldiers: Many soldiers returning from deployment have psychological trauma in addition to their serious physical injuries. The Ukrainian healthcare system is under immense pressure and is often unable to provide the necessary help. As a non-profit organization, we want to do our part to help these brave people with humanitarian aid supplies and support for rehabilitation and surgery costs. The conversations with the soldiers left a lasting impression on us; their words about protecting their families and their lack of understanding for the cruelty of the attacks left a deep impression on us. Out of respect for their pain, we have only taken a few photos - because this is about people and their stories.
Thank you to all the people and companies who contributed to this transport with their donations!